Most Dangerous Ways To School | NEPAL

May 12, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

The mountain village of Kumpur is situated in one of the highest countries on earth, with almost half of Nepal lying more than 4 000 meters above sea level. The remote village community of Kumpur is spread across 18 farms on the Dhap Mountain, and their families live without access to electricity, running water, or contact with the outside world.
For thousands of years, these families have survived by herding their life-sustaining cattle. But while it was once common for children to stay in the valley for school, today they are being forced to cross dangerous rivers to attend classes in nearby cities on an almost daily basis.
But is the promise of an education worth the dangers that these children face?
A new documentary gives viewers a glimpse into the daily lives of Kumpur Village’s residents, from the treacherous journeys to school to their struggles to maintain the self-sufficient way of life that has sustained their community for generations.
Narrated by a Kumpur elder, the film explores the challenges and joys of living in one of the most remote regions of the world.
Watch the documentary to experience the life of Kumpur Village and learn about the importance of education in this unique and inspiring community.

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David B