Making cheese in the Alps – a story of integration

Jun 17, 2023 | Environmental, Social, Videos

She was a political activist forced to flee her homeland in Ethiopia after getting involved in protests against land grabs by international corporations. Now, Agitu Ideo Gudeta has built a new life for herself in the alpine Trento region in northern Italy, where she has established a successful goat cheese making business. This is the story of a brave entrepreneur with a smart approach who has managed to turn her concept into a success story.
At ‘La Capra Felice’ or ‘The Happy Goat’, Agitu only uses milk from Pezzata Mochena goats, a local indigenous breed whose numbers have declined dramatically in the last few years. Starting with a herd of just 15 goats, Gudeta now has 180, and her firm has attracted media attention at both national and international levels. Young people from all over the region are flocking to her dairy farm to learn how to make her popular cheese. The documentary showcases her inspiring journey to build a new life out of adversity and create a sustainable business that not only helps her but also boosts the rare breed of goats’ population.

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David B