Ludovic – Imam and gay

Sep 18, 2023 | Activism, People, Social, Videos

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed is a man on a mission. Trained as an Imam in Algeria, he not only came to accept his homosexuality but also his calling to uproot homophobia in Islam.
In France, Zahed’s faith and identity are now deeply intertwined, which has led him to found France’s first inclusive mosque and the CALEM Institute in Marseille. Through these institutions, he trains the next generation of Imams for a more inclusive and progressive Islam that is tolerant to the LGBTQ community. But Zahed’s ambition doesn’t stop there. He’s determined to break new ground by giving a voice to the marginalized and allowing LGBTQ Muslims to live their lives openly, without fear or shame. A cause that he passionately believes in, even if it means circumventing long-standing taboos. Don’t miss out on the thought-provoking documentary where Simon Laurens and Susanna Dörhage follow Zahed on his journey to challenge the status quo within Islam.

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David B