Living Without Laws: Slab City, USA

Oct 6, 2023 | Social, Videos

Slab City, commonly referred to as The Slabs, is a unique and extraordinary community unlike any other in the United States. It has no laws or regulations, making it a haven for Vietnam Veterans, homeless people, and other drifters. The Slabs have created their own society that works through their own interpersonal relationships and social norms.

This documentary provides viewers with an inside look into the Slab City lifestyle. It highlights both the problems posed by poverty and drug use as well as the successes of its residents who are able to live in relative peace. Despite these issues, The Slabs still provide an interesting perspective on life that many can learn from.

Envision yourself taking a drive past this unconventional city. Would you be intrigued enough to stop and take a closer look? If you do, you can expect an eye-opening experience where you gain valuable insight on a whole different way of living. By taking some time to visit The Slabs and watch this documentary, you’ll get an up-close view of something that is truly unique and one-of-a-kind.

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David B