Lebanon, or officially known as the Republic of Lebanon or the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia.
Located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, is one of the world’s smallest countries. Yet, its geography and landscapes are quite varied. And its history is incredibly rich too.
Despite having witnessed numerous conflicts, Lebanon has always risen again with pride, and Beirut is the most striking example of this. Night and day, the capital is bursting with the activity of stores and businesses, of religious events, and of festivities.
Primarily an Arab country, it shares many characteristics of other Arab nations, yet, there are many properties that differentiate Lebanon from other countries in the region.
Visiting Lebanon offers plenty to see, from ancient Roman ruins, to well preserved castles, historic Churches and Mosques, beautiful beaches, and nonstop nightlife.
This documentary shows you everything about this fascinating jewel embedded at the crossing between the West and the East.