Kim Dotcom: The Man Behind Megaupload

Oct 4, 2023 | Crime, Videos

Kim Dotcom is an Internet entrepreneur who has made headlines with his controversial file sharing website, Megaupload. It was reported that he amassed a staggering $175 million from the website, which quickly became a popular way to transmit large files over the Internet.

However, this success did not come without issues. The United States government accused Megaupload of copyright infringement and other illegal activities. This led to Dotcom’s arrest in 2012 and several years of legal proceedings as he fought against extradition from New Zealand to the United States.

This whole affair was documented in the 2019 documentary series “Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web,” which aired on Prime Video and offered an intimate look at Dotcom’s life and career. Dotcom himself was heavily involved in helping shape the narrative of the documentary, providing viewers with a candid insight into how events unfolded for him during the trial process.

As well as being a fascinating story of power, patriotism and personal liberty, “Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web” is also a cautionary tale about online business dealings – something all entrepreneurs should be aware of when venturing into uncharted waters. Highly recommended viewing for all who are keen to understand more about what happened to Kim Dotcom and his company Megaupload – watch it now!

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David B