Keeping your kids safe from air pollution / UNSEEN (1/5)

Oct 13, 2023 | Environmental, Health, Nature, Videos

For millions of children like him, playing outside is not an option. Meet Zidan, a five-year-old boy living in Jakarta, one of the most polluted cities in the world. He has severe asthma, and the toxic air could cause a deadly relapse. However, Zidan’s story is not unique. With pollution levels skyrocketing to alarming levels in cities worldwide, “Breathe Easy” takes you on a journey to uncover the consequences of air pollution and the innovative solutions that are giving hope to millions.
Doctors are working tirelessly to save children like Zidan from the harmful effects of pollution. Meanwhile, innovative home creators are devising ways to transform our urban landscapes into greener, healthier spaces. “Breathe Easy” documents their efforts and explores the far-reaching impact of pollution on our health and well-being. So join us on this journey to discover the heroes that are making our city lives safer, one breath at a time.

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David B