Keep the River on Your Right: A Modern Cannibal Tale

Mar 25, 2024 | Social, Videos

Tobias Schneebaum is an 80 year old gay man living in Manhattan with a scholarly and artistic disposition. He was once a rabbinical student, and currently lectures on anthropology and art at Barnard College. However, his life has had its wilder moments: during the 1950s, while on a Fulbright grant to Peru, he abandoned his mission to live among the Amarakaire Indians and participated in a raid on another tribe – one that resulted in him committing an act of cannibalism.

This story, which serves as the basis for the documentary film ‘Keep The River On Your Right: A Modern Cannibal Tale’, follows Schneebaum as he revisits New Guinea to reunite with his former lover from an Asmat tribe (where men had sexual relationships with partners of both sexes). The film presents this unique experience through interviews with Tobias himself, archival footage, and computer graphics.

‘Keep The River On Your Right’ offers an intriguing insight into various aspects of cannibalism – both historically and scientifically – that will surely capture the interest of viewers. It can be seen as a journey of self-discovery for Tobias, as well as part exploration into one of humanity’s more extreme cultural practices. If you are looking for an enlightening documentary about a unique human experience then this is definitely worth watching!

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David B