Katrina Brownlee: The Good Cop | Full Episode

Aug 28, 2023 | Crime, Videos

A former fiancé of hers, a law enforcement officer, nearly ended up taking her life. She believes the police failed to protect her, so she decided to take matters into her own hands by earning her own badge.

CBS Saturday Morning’s Michelle Miller reports on this story in a documentary for 48 Hours, and it is essential viewing for anyone interested in learning about the difficulties faced by survivors of domestic violence and the lengths they will go to protect themselves.

The documentary follows this brave survivor’s journey from victim to victor as she takes on the tremendous responsibility of protecting herself and others like her. It shows the strength she has gained through studying for and earning her badge, as well as the powerful message it sends – that survivors can still live empowered lives free from fear.

Miller interviews other members of law enforcement who serve as a reminder that not all officers are bad, but also how difficult it is for them to bridge the widening gap between victims and those sworn to serve and protect them. The interviews also provide essential insight into how victims can stay safe and what needs to be done on both sides to build trust between police forces and communities at large.

48 Hours’ documentary paints a vivid picture of this remarkable woman’s survival story, providing an invaluable look into why we should never give up hope in moments of despair. It is an inspiring reminder that no matter our circumstances or pasts we can still make our own paths forward if we have courage enough to do so – just like this woman did when she earned her own badge. Watch “48 Hours” on Pluto TV now – you won’t regret it!

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David B