Jay-Z and Linkin Park: Collision Course Documentary

Nov 16, 2023 | Music, Videos

Collision Course is an extraordinary documentary that showcases the immense talent of two of music’s biggest icons, Jay-Z and Linkin Park. It is a rare example of a successful collaboration between artists from two different genres, hip-hop and metal, making it a one of its kind project.

The six-song set was born out of an exercise in which Linkin Park’s song “Numb” was mashed up with Jay-Z’s hit single “Encore”. This exercise then developed into a spontaneous pickup game between the two unlikely partners and they both walked away with a fantastic collaborative album. The Tracks “Numb/Encore” and “Izzo/In the End” were such seamless blurs between heavy metal and hip-hop that they became instant hits. Through this project, both Jay-Z and Linkin Park had their chance to explore each other’s genre, creating something unique and remarkable in the process.

This amazing partnership shows no signs of one artist dominating over the other as it requires them to come together as equals for something extraordinary to be created. As evidenced by the DVD release, Mike Shinoda was particularly enthusiastic about his role as head coach in overseeing all aspects of the project from digital workstations to mixing desks. His enthusiasm for collaboration can be seen in every aspect of their performance and serves as an example for how collaboration should be done right.

For music lovers who have yet to experience Collision Course, this is one documentary you won’t want to miss! With its unique mix of hip hop and hard rock styles along with its thrilling live performances, it’s sure to leave a lasting impact on any music fan. So gather your friends together today and get ready for an unforgettable ride through classic rock meets rap history!

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David B