Japan Tsunami: The Survivors Stories

Nov 17, 2023 | Social, Videos

Six months ago, Japan was rocked by one of the most destructive natural disasters in history – a massive tsunami that left an inestimable amount of destruction and death in its wake. To commemorate this milestone, BBC’s Panorama has dedicated an entire documentary to tell the stories of those who survived against all odds and revisit the homes of those within the radioactive no-go zone near the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The reporter Paul Kenyon takes us through these tales of survival and introduces us to individuals who managed to escape when so many were not as fortunate. We join them as they make their way back home briefly, ready to face whatever future may lie ahead for them and those affected by the disaster. We also see amazing new footage of the wave itself that will leave even viewers not affected by the tragedy mesmerized and heartbroken.

This documentary is sure to evoke feelings of sadness and admiration as we hear directly from survivors and watch them remain incredibly strong despite such tremendous grief. It will also remind us why it is more important now than ever before that we are prepared for natural disasters and act fast during times of distress. Watch this powerful piece on BBC’s Panorama and join Japan in commemorating six months since one of its worst catastrophes.

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David B