Italy’s rescue dogs – How man’s best friend saves lives

Oct 30, 2023 | Animals, Videos

In Italy, Valentina Renzopaoli and her Labrador Ettore are on a mission. They are training to become rescue dog teams, standing as guard at Italy’s beaches. This summer, they will be put to the test to save lives. Their journey is captured in a heartwarming documentary packed with ups and downs, stressful and beautiful moments.
As they navigate through the intense dog rescue training program at the “SICS” (Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio), they’re under the strict but patient watchful eye of instructor Roberto Gasbarri. With a strong bond, Ettore learns to trust his mistress and hone his canine rescue skills, particularly underwater.Will Valentina and Ettore be able to make it? The stakes are high, and the pressure is intense. Join them in their journey and get inspired by these canine heroes. Watch the documentary as they pull through to accomplish their goal of becoming certified rescue teams at Italy’s beaches.

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David B