Is Egypt failing to protect its Coptic Christians?

Aug 5, 2023 | Political, Religion, Social, Videos

For centuries, Muslims and Christians coexisted peacefully in Egypt. But as religious tensions grow, human rights abuses and violent attacks are becoming more common. As the Christian community struggles to protect themselves, critics of the government are questioning whether the religious minority is receiving enough support. In this documentary, explore the history and sociology behind religious conflict in Egypt, and uncover the personal stories of those impacted by a nation in turmoil.
How has Egypt’s religious landscape transformed over the past few decades? From a peaceful coexistence of Christians and Muslims, to militant attacks and government backlash, Muslim Egyptians and Coptic Christians have been battling for the soul of a nation. This documentary takes you on a journey through this complex conflict, and examines the human impact of violence, polarization, and communal unrest. Hear from Egyptian citizens who are standing up for peace and religious tolerance in the country they call home.

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David B