Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald

Nov 5, 2023 | Crime, Social, Videos

Trevor McDonald embarks on a journey into the notorious Indiana State Maximum Security Prison, where he is confronted by twelve condemned men awaiting execution. Among these inmates are Benjamin Ritchie, who murdered a policeman in cold blood, and John Stephenson, who was ordered to kill three people by his gang boss. James Harrison just barely managed to escape the death penalty after accepting a deal of life imprisonment instead. Inside the prison’s traditional 1950s barber shop, where inmates are allowed to use sharp objects such as cutthroat razors, Rick Pearish shares why they are given this privilege.

The documentary also features Fredrick Baer, an inmate sentenced with the Double Homicide of a woman and her four-year-old daughter seven years prior and is currently awaiting execution on death row. Baer exposes his difficult past of abuse and reveals what caused him to lead such an isolated yet destructive life. The audience gets an exclusive look into the chamber where Baer will eventually be executed one day. Meanwhile those more fortunate inmates get to stay in highly secure dormitory cubicles rather than solitary cells; among them is John Serwatka who was paid to murder two complete strangers in exchange for never being released from prison.

This groundbreaking BBC documentary gives viewers an intimate insight into the lives of some of America’s most dangerous criminals as well as those deemed innocent within their walls – all while experiencing their struggles, fears and hopes through Trevor McDonald’s unique take on reporting. If you’re looking for something thought provoking and moving then be sure to watch this incredible feature film which takes you inside one of America’s most infamous prisons.

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David B