Humboldt discovers biodiversity in the Orinoco basin — Part 5

Dec 13, 2023 | Environmental, Social, Videos

Alexander von Humboldt, the great German natural scientist, lived an adventurous life that spanned continents and left a lasting impact on science and exploration. To celebrate his 250th birthday, seven short documentaries have been produced to delve into the fascinating world of this remarkable individual.
Follow von Humboldt down the river, marvel at the beauty and variety of the landscapes, flora and fauna that he discovered, and gain an understanding of his contributions to the world of science. Today, conservationists are working tirelessly to preserve the many threatened species that von Humboldt documented in his travels, making this an especially timely exploration of his life and work. Join us on this incredible journey to learn about the incredible accomplishments of one of history’s greatest explorers.

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David B