How to Ikigai | Tim Tamashiro

May 31, 2022 | Lifestyle, Social, Videos

Have you ever wondered what is your purpose in life? The search for meaning is inside all human beings. But in Japan, that search is even more important.

People in Japan have a specific word that “encapsulates the importance of having a life purpose”. Ikigai, the word refers to an individual’s overarching motivator, something that brings joy into your days and can even prolong your life.

The feeling is innate to Japanese people. It is a natural thing, as they have a strong sense of purpose. Maybe that is the reason why people in Japan have the highest longevity in terms of lifespan.

In this TED talk, ,Tim Tamashiro tries to teach people how to find their own happiness and purpose. Thanks to this documentary, you can take your first step into discovering your own Ikigai, and prolonging your life.

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Riyan H.