How cash is becoming a thing of the past

May 12, 2023 | Finance, Science, Social, Technology, Videos

In a world where cashless transactions are on the rise, there remains a stronghold of resistance to the move towards a cashless society. Germany’s central bank and government have refused to abandon cash, even as other countries have shifted towards digital payment methods. But why? And who is behind the global anti-cash lobby?
An upcoming documentary aims to investigate the ongoing debate around cash and its influence on society. From the financial corporations seeking to profit from digital payments, to the politicians hoping to cut crime and terrorism through the eradication of cash, the documentary explores the many facets of this complex issue. But as digital payment companies gain more control of our buying behavior and governments have access to ever-increasing amounts of payment data, the question remains: what will happen to our collective financial behavior? Will cash remain a symbol of freedom or will we embrace the convenience of digital payments? Don’t miss this insightful documentary, which aims to shed light on one of the most controversial topics defining our global economy today.

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David B