How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Traditional Polling | Elections

Nov 17, 2023 | Technology, Videos

The world of traditional polling is being turned on its head by the introduction of advanced artificial intelligence technology. The documentary “Margin of Error: AI, Polling and Elections” takes a deep dive into this world and examines the ways in which startups like Advanced Symbolics are predicting voter behavior through public social-media data.

With decades of experience in traditional polling, one might assume that this new technology would be met with skepticism and reluctance. However, the promise of AI-powered polling has caught the attention of many in the industry who are curious about its capabilities.

The documentary provides a look into how Advanced Symbolics is tackling this technological shift head-on, using AI to anticipate public opinion and predict behavior. The accuracy and reliability of this method is a key focus of the examination, as is the impact it may have on citizens’ privacy and democracy as a whole.

One of the most intriguing aspects of AI-powered polling is the possibility of uncovering patterns and insights that traditional polling has missed. With public social-media data providing an unprecedented level of access to personal opinions and preferences, polling may become more accurate and effective than ever before.

However, concerns about privacy and the potential for misinformation to be spread through social media must also be taken into account. The documentary explores these issues in depth, providing a nuanced and multi-layered look at the future of polling and its impact on our democracy.

If you’re curious about the possibilities of AI-powered polling and the potential implications it may have, “Margin of Error: AI, Polling and Elections” is a must-watch. With a wealth of information and insights, the documentary provides a balanced and thought-provoking exploration of this exciting new frontier.

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David B