High On Crack Street: Lost Lives In Lowell

Oct 17, 2023 | Drugs, Social, Videos

The HBO documentary “Lowell, MA” is an incredible look into the daily lives of those struggling with crack addiction. Spanning 18 months of filming, this movie portrays a rarely seen side of life in Lowell, Massachusetts, a city with a population of 108,861 and home to former professional boxer Dick Ecklund and his brother Mickey Ward.

The documentary follows Ecklund as he grapples with his addiction to crack cocaine. Within the film we are shown how he navigates his struggles while still managing to provide for himself and his family. His story is portrayed in an incredibly raw and honest depiction that reveals not only the trials and tribulations faced by those dealing with substance abuse but also their resilience and strength in overcoming them.

The film has been widely praised for its accurate portrayal of drug addiction in America. It was even so influential that it led to the making of the feature film “The Fighter” which stars Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale and tells the true story of Dick’s brother Mickey Ward’s rise to fame as professional boxer.

For anyone looking for an inspiring tale of courage or simply wanting to gain insight into a seldom-seen perspective on American life, Lowell MA is a must watch documentary. It captures an unflinching portrait of drug addiction yet still holds onto a glimmer of hope that shines through all the darkness. Don’t miss out on this amazing piece of cinema; you won’t regret it!

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David B