Hidden Secrets: Gangsters of the 1920s and 1930s

Jan 30, 2024 | Crime, Videos

Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, Pretty Boy Floyd, Legs Diamond and Dutch Schultz, John Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde – these are some of the most infamous gangsters in American history. From robbing banks to bootlegging liquor to kidnapping millionaires, these criminals have left a lasting mark on our criminal justice system.

The life of these notorious criminals has been immortalized in countless movies and documentaries. But for those interested in an in-depth look into their lives, one documentary stands out: ‘Gangsters: America’s Most Notorious’. This fascinating documentary dives deep into the dark underworld of organized crime, exploring its major players from the early 1900s until today.

‘Gangsters: America’s Most Notorious’ follows the stories of Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, Pretty Boy Floyd, Legs Diamond and Dutch Schultz, John Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde – some of the most notorious gangsters in American history. It delves into their upbringing; exploring how each criminal went from a peaceful citizen to an underworld menace. Through interviews with experts and family members alike we gain an understanding of what drove these men to commit such heinous crimes.

The documentary also examines how law enforcement dealt with this surge of crime during the ’20s and ’30s. We learn about the tactics used by both sides — the cops trying to catch the criminals while they were busy trying to evade them. We also get a glimpse at how technology was used to help both sides – from fingerprinting techniques for identification purposes to wiretapping as a means of espionage.

With dramatic reenactments along with archival footage featuring newspaper articles and photos from back then, this two-hour long documentary is both entertaining and educational. Those interested in crime history will find ‘Gangsters: America’s Most Notorious’ as a great way to learn about some of America’s most notorious criminals in great detail. So if you’re looking for an adrenaline rush or just want to know more about crime back then – this is definitely worth watching!

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David B