Porn has become mainstream entertainment in our society. We are long pass the days when Hustler was banned as a magazine because it showed nude pictures of women.

Popular porn sites are putting billboards in New York City’s Time Square. Popular online news sources are normalizing porn with viral videos. And it really feels that porn is everywhere you look.

Research has showed that porn site receive more regular traffic than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined each month. Another fact is that 35% of all internet downloads are porn-related.

Studies have tried to examine what makes porn so popular. And what is popular among porn website. In 2013, Jon Millward conducted the largest personal research study on the porn industry in the US, interviewing more than 10,000 performers about various aspects of the business. The study conducted that the most common female role is woman in their 20s portraying a teenager.

With that in mind, check the documentary exploring how and why porn is so popular, and how much money the industry brings to the table.