Goonj: The Empty Call

Oct 7, 2023 | Drugs, Videos

The documentary featuring Mr. Naseeruddin Shah, entitled ‘Goonj’, explores the heated debates and issues surrounding the illegal cultivation of cannabis (also known as charas or marijuana) in India’s Himachal Pradesh state. Proponents of legalizing the drug feel that it is a holy weed and should be allowed in certain states due to its potential medicinal value.

‘Goonj’ delves into the complexities involved with this decision, and looks at the many stakeholders involved on both sides of the discussion. From farmers who rely on its cultivation for their livelihood to governments grappling with whether or not to legalize it, every layer and viewpoint is examined within this documentary.

In addition to providing a detailed overview of cannabis production in Himachal Pradesh, ‘Goonj’ also highlights how other areas around the world have successfully legalized cannabis without experiencing drastic increases in crime rates or other social problems. This film is essential viewing for anyone interested in learning more about this controversial subject matter.

For those seeking a deep dive into this contentious issue, ‘Goonj’ provides an incredibly informative look at one of today’s most pressing topics. The film’s compelling narrative from Mr. Naseeruddin Shah makes it a must-watch for anyone looking to gain an appreciation for all facets of this difficult debate and better understand why some advocate for legalization while others oppose it. We invite you to watch ‘Goonj’ and draw your own conclusions about cannabis legalization and production in India!

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David B