Giant Dog: The biggest pitbull in the world | Free Doc Bites

Jul 27, 2023 | Animals, Videos

Marlon Grennan is a passionate American pitbull breeder, who may have just created the world’s largest dog. Hulk, his beloved pup, stands at an impressive two meters tall and weighs in at a whopping 80 kilos. Hulk has become something of a celebrity and can be seen in the documentary ‘The World’s Biggest Dog’ where viewers can learn more about Marlon and Hulk’s remarkable story.

In the documentary, Marlon discusses his dedication to achieving perfect health for all of his dogs. He explains that although Hulk is an XXL breed, he operates on a strict diet and exercises regularly to maintain peak physical shape. Viewers will also get an inside look at the bond between Marlon and Hulk, who has grown from a small puppy into this impressive giant with the help of Marlon’s loving care.

The documentary not only shows us how big dogs can get but it also explores the relationship between humans and their pets. It serves as a reminder that every pet deserves loving care no matter what size they are or how challenging they may be to take care of. Don’t miss out on this heartwarming story – watch ‘The World’s Biggest Dog’ today!

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David B