From Nefertiti to Beuys — Berlin’s museums (2/2)

Oct 6, 2023 | Culture, Social, Videos

Discover the secrets of some of the world’s most spectacular pieces of art as Berlin’s museums reveal themselves to be more than just temples of beauty and ultra-modern research centers. In the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, the city boasts one of the five largest universal collections in the world. It includes 20 museums housing over five million objects, from the bust of Nefertiti to the art of Joseph Beuys, as well as one of the world’s largest libraries, archives, and research institutes.
As the documentary explores in two fascinating parts, Berlin’s museums represent a unique treasure trove of cultural history, encompassing all areas of cultural tradition from the Stone Age to contemporary art. Alongside showcasing spectacular pieces like Hans Holbein’s portrait of the merchant Georg Gisze, museum organizers delve into the great questions of humanity: How can we open up the world’s resources and live in harmony with them? And how can we better understand and shape reality through our rich cultural heritage? Discover the countless fascinating stories and stunning artworks on show in Berlin’s museums with this unmissable documentary.

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David B