Fidel: The Untold Story

Sep 17, 2023 | Political, Videos

Fidel Castro, the great leader of the Cuban Revolution, is a figure that has had an immense and lasting influence on world politics and history. His life and legacy, however, remain shrouded in mystery for those who have not been exposed to media reports with varying degrees of accuracy. With the release of Fidel – The Untold Story, viewers can now get a deeper appreciation for one of the most controversial figures in modern history.

Narrated by Alice Walker, Harry Belafonte, and Sydney Pollack, among others, this documentary offers exclusive interviews with Fidel himself as well as historians, government officials like Arthur Schlesinger and Ramsey Clark, family members, and close friends. Viewers also get access to rare footage from Cuban state archives that provide insight into Castro’s private life that would otherwise be inaccessible. From swimming with bodyguards to celebrating his birthday with members of the Buena Vista Social Club to meeting Elian Gonzalez – it is all captured in this film.

The documentary also dives deep into the history of Cuba’s revolution as well as its fight for survival during the post-Soviet period. This offers an enlightening look at how Fidel’s actions have shaped and altered the course of his country’s destiny. It is important to note that audiences will be given a chance to form their own opinions about Castro and his policies instead of simply being subjected to anti-Castro propaganda.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for Americans to see inside the world spearheaded by one of the most influential leaders we’ve ever known — Fidel Castro. This documentary serves not only as a historical record but also a reminder for viewers everywhere that there may still be more than meets the eye when it comes understanding this enigmatic man’s life and legacy. So if you are looking for an engaging story or wanting an opportunity to learn more about this compelling figure firsthand then watching Fidel – The Untold Story is highly recommended.

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David B