Eritrea: Africa’s North Korea

Sep 10, 2023 | Political, Videos

Eritrea is a small nation located in East Africa, bordered by Ethiopia and Sudan. For nearly three decades it has been under the oppressive rule of President Isaias Afwerki. With a society that has long been plagued by censorship and restricted access to phones and internet, dissidents have had to resort to unconventional means to spread their message of resistance.

This is why VICE News followed members of the Eritrean diaspora community who were living in Europe, as they sought to raise awareness for the plight of those back home. Through pirate radio, cold calls, messages on banknotes and posters, they attempted to share the reality that many are struggling with in Eritrea.

The documentary produced by VICE News highlights the difficult situation that many face in this African nation. It also provides a voice for those within the Eritrean diaspora community who are doing all they can to make sure their home country does not remain forgotten. This powerful piece should be seen by all and is an important reminder of how much more needs to be done for freedom and justice around the world.

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David B