This documentary from 2012 takes a look at the 2008 financial crisis. In 2008 the world experienced one of the greatest financial turmoils in modern history.
Markets around the world started crashing, stock prices plummeted, and major financial institutions, once thought to be invincible, started showing signs of collapse.
Governments responded quickly, issuing massive bailouts and stimulus packages in an effort to keep the world economy afloat.
Although we’ve been told that these drastic measures prevented a total collapse of our system, a growing sense of unease fills the population. In the world of finance, indeed in all facets of modern life, cracks have started to appear. What lies ahead as a result of these bold money printing measures?
And now, in 2022, we are seeing the signs of another economical and financial crisis due to the conflict in Ukraine, post-Covid-19 situation in the world, and other factors.
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Riyan H.