Ecstasy Rising

Nov 16, 2023 | Drugs, Videos

The history of MDMA, more popularly known as ecstasy, is a fascinating and complex story that ABC News television documentary with Peter Jennings is sure to explore in depth. With an estimated 1.8 million Americans expected to try the drug for the first time in 2004, it’s clear that Ecstasy’s popularity has surged since its inception. Despite increasing demand for the drug, the U.S. government continues to warn against the potential health risks associated with its use – a narrative which Peter Jennings is sure to address on this special edition of ‘Primetime Thursday’.

For those seeking an in-depth look into this defining moment in drug history, this documentary promises to bring a comprehensive overview of Ecstasy’s rise. Through interviews with users and experts from around the world, Jennings will provide viewers with a 360 degree view of the issue – offering insight on both sides of the conversation. From understanding why people take Ecstasy and exploring what makes it so appealing; to debunking unsubstantiated claims made by drug controllers, viewers will be taken on a journey through every facet of Ecstasy’s timeline.

With such an iconic journalist at the helm, this documentary looks set to delve deep into one of modern society’s greatest taboos – offering unprecedented access into a culture often shrouded in secrecy and stigma. If you’re looking for an eye-opening exploration into one of today’s most talked about drugs, then don’t miss out on this fascinating edition of Primetime Thursday hosted by Peter Jennings!

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David B