DR Congo’s Space Man

Jun 25, 2023 | People, Videos

Jean-Patrice Keka’s dream of becoming the first African to enter space has been realised with five successful rocket launches over the past decade. This remarkable feat was made possible by his hard work and meticulous engineering, part of a unique ‘Made in Africa’ space programme.

In pursuit of his dream to reach the stars, Keka and his team have triumphed against all odds – developing complex rockets with limited resources and navigating tricky terrain. Thanks to their incredible accomplishments, Africa now has its own slice of outer space.

For anyone interested in learning more about Keka’s journey and what it took to launch these rockets into the unknown, there is a compelling documentary available online titled First Man From Africa: The Jean-Patrice Keka Story. The film follows the highs and lows of this remarkable mission, from initial design stages through to launching day – giving insight into the challenges faced along the way.

Narrated by Alex Wek, viewers are taken on an inspirational journey as they experience firsthand how dreams can become reality when fuelled by passion, ambition and dedication. Don’t miss your chance to learn more about this incredible story; watch First Man From Africa: The Jean-Patrice Keka Story today!

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David B