Deadliest Roads | Suriname

Jun 22, 2023 | Environmental, People, Social, Videos

Have you ever heard of Suriname? It may not be a country that immediately comes to mind, but this hidden gem is one of the most distinctive and exciting places on Earth.
It is difficult to find Suriname on a map. Suriname is found at the heart of the Amazon: a country of jungle. At 163,000km2, it is a sixth of the size of France, covered in dense, green forest. There are few roads and some tracks and large rivers: floating motorways where canoes serve as cars and trucks.
In the documentary “Suriname’s Gold Mines”, we follow Pedro and his wife, gold miners, as they navigate the unpredictable waters, facing life-risking challenges to reach the mines.
To travel from one village to another, you don’t hit the road, you take the river… And its temperamental waters. We follow Pedro and his wife, gold miners, who must risk their lives navigating the unpredictable waters, while keeping hold of all the supplies they need, to spend the next 2 months in the gold mines. A dangerous commute to work.
From the dense forest to the floating rivers, Suriname is a place where nature is still king, and traversing through these land and waterways is a one-of-a-kind adventure.
To truly appreciate the beauty and challenges of this land, you have to experience it firsthand. We highly recommend watching the documentary, Suriname’s Gold Mines, and seeing for yourself the incredible journey that Pedro and his wife embark on to reach the gold mines.

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David B