Deadliest Roads | Peru – Amazon

Jun 24, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

The Struggle to Protect the Amazon
If you’re concerned about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, you don’t want to miss this documentary. It follows the story of David, a man from Peru who works hard to support his family by gathering wood in the Amazon, a beautiful but shrinking region of incredible biodiversity where the Masho Piro, the last indigenous people isolated from the rest of the world, live threatened with extinction.
On his journey, David is caught in El Ninio, a climactic phenomenon born from global warming, which causes torrential rain and landslides that put his life at risk. However, David is not the only one fighting for survival; the Amazon is rapidly being destroyed by polluters and industrialists who are deforesting entire territories for their gas and leaving the poor inhabitants like David to participate in the rainforest’s massacre.
This documentary will make you realize how dire the situation is. The Peruvian jungle loses 145,000 hectares of its lush green forest each year, the equivalent of 14 times the surface area of Paris. If we’re not careful, we could lose the Amazon forever.
Documentary information here

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