Deadliest Roads | Papua New Guinea (Short)

Nov 11, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

With barely any existing road network, Papua New Guinea must rely on imported goods brought in by sea, making The Highland Highway a crucial place for transport. But crossing these mountainous forests presents genuine risks, with ravines of up to 700 meters deep that drivers must navigate through with extreme caution. With the threat of catastrophic mudslides and armed gang attacks looming at any moment, drivers must be ready for anything.
But the long and arduous journeys can take their toll, and truckers often resort to alcohol or betel nut consumption to stay calm and awake, leading to further accidents. This is the reality of life on the Highland Highway, where danger is constantly present, and only the bravest and most experienced drivers can navigate the roads and overcome the many challenges.
If you’re curious to learn more about this tough and beautiful country, then don’t miss the chance to watch the fascinating documentary featuring Kevin and Billy as they go about their missions. It’s a thrilling and informative insight into one of the world’s most challenging transportation routes and the people who make it happen.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to be taken on a journey like no other as you watch the Highland Highway documentary.

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David B