Deadliest Roads | Panama

Jun 24, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

The Darien Gap, a 100 km stretch of impenetrable jungle between Panama and Columbia, is the only missing link in the otherwise continuous Pan-American Highway that spans all of North and South America. The route offers a unique challenge to travelers wanting to complete an uninterrupted journey across the two continents. Unfortunately, roadbuilding through this region is a difficult and costly endeavor, making it virtually impossible for travelers to cross without a detour.

For those curious about what lies beyond this mysterious void, the documentary ‘Darien: A Road Divided’ offers an intriguing look into this legendary gap. Directed by Bill Streever, it follows his epic 18-day traverse of the Darien as he witnesses firsthand both its dangers and wonders. Along the way, he speaks with locals to gain insight into their struggles with conservation efforts and border crossings. He also speaks to anthropologists about the cultural significance of the region’s indigenous people: The Embera Tribe.

In addition to providing an emotionally charged exploration of one of our planet’s last great wildernesses, ‘Darien: A Road Divided’ dives deep into some of today’s most pressing global issues such as migration patterns and environmental protection policies. By taking viewers on a riveting adventure that challenges us to think critically about our own world views, this documentary serves as much more than just entertainment; it’s an inspiring call for action on behalf of our planet’s fragile ecosystems.

Those interested in learning more about this incredible part of our world and its struggles should definitely check out ‘Darien: A Road Divided’ – where you’ll experience not just a journey through time but also through thought-provoking conversations about how we can protect nature for future generations.

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David B