Deadliest Roads | Nicaragua: In the Name of the Law

Jul 17, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

If you are looking for a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat and break your heart in the best way possible, then look no further than Journey to Destiny.
In this critically acclaimed series, we travel along some of the world’s most treacherous passageways and explore the lengths people go to change their lives. From the gold mines of Colombia to the tumultuous waters of the Caribbean, from ancient old vans to cramped fishing vessels, the scenes of this show captivate at every turn.
One of the standout episodes in the series, “Road of Dynamite,” follows Hilario as he must transport dynamite through treacherous terrains – all under the watchful eye of the police. With roads that could cause the fragile detonators to explode at any moment, the series offers an adrenaline-fueled look at the danger that comes with this job.
Whether sailing on the Caribbean with Miskito fishermen or riding an old bus dubbed “The Chispa,” you’ll recognize a spark in the eyes of the people who call these hazardous routes a way of life. It’s that same spark that must be kept hidden to prevent a dynamite explosion, that could wipe out an entire village in seconds.
Journey to Destiny is more than just a documentary. It’s a masterpiece of a bittersweet reality that many people, sadly, face daily.

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David B