Deadliest Roads | Jamaica: The Island of Blue Mountains

Jul 13, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

Jamaica is known for its reggae music and beautiful beaches. However, it is also a mountainous island covered in lush tropical vegetation. Unfortunately, the road network is in a disastrous condition, particularly in the Blue Mountain region where the peaks rise over 2,000m above sea level. Only the hardiest dare venture there, or the poorest.
Despite the challenges, some people have no choice but to go to the Blue Mountains to harvest the country’s treasure – Blue Mountain coffee. It’s one of the most expensive coffees in the world, nearly €200 per kilo, 20 times more than standard coffee. The mountainous terrain and the poor road conditions make every journey an ordeal. Yet, the coffee is worth it, and it truly deserves its name.
In the highest and most inaccessible peaks of the Blue Mountains, Rasta communities have chosen to set up residence. However, this decision can be perilous during major ceremonies when hundreds of faithful gather from all over the island. Not everyone makes it safely to the top.
If you want to learn more about the Blue Mountains and the people who live there, I encourage you to watch the documentary that explores their lives and struggles.

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David B