Deadliest Roads | Ethiopia

May 30, 2023 | Environmental, People, Social, Videos

Ethiopia is one of the hardest-hit countries in terms of deadly traffic accidents. Trains and trucks use infrastructure from another age and transport goods and people among harsh weather conditions, making traveling quite risky. Flying is too expensive, and the trains are no longer functional, except one.
The only working train travels through half of the country, from the city of Dire Dawa to the border at Djibouti. Despite being the only known functioning train in Ethiopia, it is the oldest and most dangerous train in the world, with regular derailments and breakdowns.
On a good day, this train travels 310 kilometers over the course of more than 10 hours. From the Danakil Desert to the rainy summits of the Kaffa region, Ethiopia’s diverse landscapes make it a beautiful country to visit.
However, the current state of transportation in Ethiopia is alarming, and the people are in desperate need of better infrastructure.
If you are interested in learning more about the current state of Ethiopia’s transportation and the dangers of its railways, I highly recommend watching the documentary “Danger on the Tracks”. It sheds light on the harsh but essential reality of Ethiopia’s transportation system.

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David B