Deadliest Roads | Benin

Jun 22, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

In the far north of Benin lies an arid jungle, and within it resides the proud Baribas people. Traditionally warriors, they now make their wealth primarily through the cotton market. Every month, Dramane and Zachari take on the perilous task of transporting several tons of goods from the North to the South of Benin in their vehicles: powerful Titans or battered vans. Despite having only 24 hours to cross this dangerous landscape, they bravely tackle the treacherous roads towards Cotonou harbor. However, ‘Cotonou’ is not a reference to cotton; rather it signifies ‘The River of Death’ – an appropriate moniker for what awaits them.

This vivid story is brought to life in a new documentary that tells the tale of Dramane and Zachari’s heroic journey across Benin. From dramatic visuals of their trucks navigating through narrow passageways to inspiring interviews with locals about their daily struggles, this captivating film reveals an often overlooked part of our world that needs to be heard. So watch this remarkable story unfold before your eyes and immerse yourself in a narrative that will both challenge and entertain you in equal measure!

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David B