Dark Days

Oct 14, 2023 | Social, Videos

Dark Days is an inspiring and eye-opening documentary made by Marc Singer, a British filmmaker. It follows the lives of a group of people living in an abandoned section of the New York City subway system, more specifically in the area known as the Freedom Tunnel. These individuals had no other choice but to find shelter underground due to their desperate financial situation.

Marc Singer had moved from London to Manhattan, and was struck by the number of homeless people he encountered. He decided to make a documentary about them with the hopes of helping them earn money. In order to achieve this goal, he spent months living with the tunnel residents and learning their stories, eventually convincing them to take part in his film project.

Singer also worked closely with his crew during filming – consisting entirely of members from within the Freedom Tunnel community – who rigged up makeshift lighting equipment and steadicam dollies before learning how to use a 16mm camera with black & white Kodak film. In addition, music from DJ Shadow was included in Dark Days, including excerpts from Endtroducing… and his album with U.N.K.L.E., while Melissa Neidich served as its editor.

Through Dark Days, viewers are given an insightful look into what it’s like for those living without basic necessities such as shelter or food that most people take for granted on a daily basis. It is truly heartbreaking yet captivating all at once; leaving many viewers feeling inspired after watching it and appreciating what they have in life even more so than before. With Cinevision’s assistance in providing cameras for two-and-a-half years worth of shooting, as well as Kodak supplying free damaged film when Singer ran out of money for film stock, Dark Days was able to be completed despite immense financial difficulties along the way during post-production process which took years longer than expected due to Singer’s insistence on creative control – something he felt was necessary in order protect the tunnel residents’ rights and privacy throughout filming.

Be sure not miss out on this powerful documentary – watch Dark Days today!

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David B