Dangerous Eviction of a Council Property in South London | The Enforcers Pt. 2

Sep 2, 2023 | Crime, People, Videos

ITV is set to release an action-packed new two-part documentary that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats! The documentary closely follows the day-to-day work of High Court enforcement officers as they try to recover debts from delinquent debtors, and evict individuals who illegally occupy properties.
The second episode promises to be an intense experience as enforcement officers Scott Hines and Steve Michell are tasked with the daunting eviction of a council property in South London – a location fraught with potential danger. The gritty environment is further accentuated when Steve spots a large knife near one of the squatters’ beds. “We’ll have people shouting, making threats, picking up lumps of wood, metal bars – whatever they can find. Where a lot of these people are scared for their own safety, they’ll have weapons beside their bed…Maybe not to use against us, but against other people coming to rob them”, he warns.
The documentary offers a unique opportunity for residents around the world to witness the daily struggles of enforcement officers who carry out their risky jobs with great determination and professionalism. For those who crave action, suspense and drama, this documentary is a must-see. Tune in to ITV now to experience the excitement first-hand!

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David B