The upcoming documentary takes a poignant look at how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting people from diverse cultures and backgrounds around the globe. From Jerusalem to Moria camp and Tehran, follow the lives of Gershon Moshkovirts, Mahdie Jafari, and Majdi Arsanjani, as they try to survive amidst the virus outbreak.
Gershon, an Orthodox Jew from Jerusalem, lives a life shaped by his religion, but with the COVID-19 outbreak, his community’s daily routines and beliefs have come to a standstill. Meanwhile, 15-year-old Mahdie from Afghanistan has been living in Moria refugee camp with her family for the past five months. Already battling poor living conditions with a lack of water and soap, the virus threatens to make things even worse. In Iran, where the government response is shaky, we meet Majdi Arsanjani, an unemployed lecturer in film directing who suffers from cancer, making him a high-risk individual living in strict isolation.