Corona – heroes in crisis mode

Nov 3, 2023 | Health, Social, Videos

Many brave heroes are fighting the battle against COVID-19 on the frontline, their selflessness and courage are nothing short of remarkable. In Italy, lockdown has kept many indoors for weeks, but paramedic Andrea remains undeterred, making up to 10 journeys daily. His persistence and dedication are a true inspiration.
Nurse Nerea from Barcelona has been working as an intensive care nurse for six years, but nothing could prepare her for the challenges of COVID-19. Not only is the physically and emotionally demanding intensive care unit putting her resilience to the test, but also a lack of personal protective equipment in the hospital is making her duty as a caregiver even more challenging. Meanwhile, researchers like Ashleigh and her team in the AFMB laboratory in Marseille are working tirelessly in the pursuit of a solution. Together, their commitment to making a difference is a light in the darkness of this pandemic. Follow their stories in an upcoming documentary about the true heroes of the COVID-19 crisis.

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David B