Colombia – The curse of coal |

Dec 18, 2023 | Environmental, People, Videos

In Colombia, International companies make big profits from Latin America’s largest coal mine, but the cost of this wealth is high. The air is polluted, and streams could dry out, contributing to the suffering of indigenous Wayuu people, including Luz Angela Uriana’s son.
As part of the International Women’s Media Foundation, Ruth Krause felt compelled to document the story of Luz Angela Uriana and the Wayuu people as they fight to protect their homes, families, and land against the corporations. In a compelling and insightful new documentary, Krause has captured the strength and resilience of the Wayuu people, the harsh realities of living next to a massive coal mine, and the impact of international businesses on the environment and local communities. Watch as Luz Angela Uriana shares her story, bringing us into her world and helping us understand the pressing issues surrounding corporate profit, the environment, and the damage that comes as a result.

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David B