Christy and Hilda’s Last Dance | Full Episode

Aug 21, 2023 | Crime, Videos

Two women, whose identities remain undisclosed, were found abandoned outside two different hospitals in the dead of night. The circumstances surrounding their placement there are suspicious and have sparked an investigation. Masked men, who remain unidentified, were seen dropping off the women at the locations but it is still unknown whether they are innocent bystanders or complicit in the events that lead to the death of the two women.

Now a new documentary by “48 Hours” contributor Jonathan Vigliotti digs deeper into this mystery and aims to uncover what happened that night. Viewers will be taken through a thrilling journey as the story plays out on screen with interviews from key witnesses and gripping footage that could possibly shed light on this tragic case.

The documentary also highlights key questions that still remain unanswered: Who are these masked men? Is there a cover-up? Could someone else be involved? What sparked this series of events? Every detail uncovered by Vigliotti takes viewers closer to finding out answers to these questions and understanding how two women’s lives tragically ended.

If you want to know more about this heart-wrenching mystery, tune in for “48 Hours” on Pluto TV for an eye-opening documentary that exposes every detail of this case to its fullest extent. With expert analysis and gripping interviews, you won’t want to miss out on learning more about this case and discovering what really happened that fateful night.

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David B