Chazz Petrella: The Boy Who Should Have Lived

Aug 3, 2023 | Health, Videos

Chazz Petrella was an energetic and joyous 12 year old, who lived in Cobourg, Ontario. He was a typical child who enjoyed skateboarding and sports with his best friend. However, at the age of 10 Chazz was diagnosed with ADHD, which caused him to experience extreme outbursts of rage that his family couldn’t handle. Despite trying different solutions like switching schools and taking medication, the family exhausted all resources they had available.

Unfortunately, Chazz took his own life at the young age of 12 – a tragedy that shocked everyone affected by it. His parents are now calling for an inquest into his death in order to provide clarity around this heart-wrenching event.

The story of Chazz Petrella is one that has captured people’s attention around the world, inspiring a documentary titled ‘Dead Reckoning’ to be created by Toronto filmmaker Chris Windeyer. The film follows Chazz’s journey prior to his passing as well as its aftermath through interviews with family members and professionals who worked alongside them. It reveals a heartbreaking look into the lives of those living with mental health conditions and their families while providing insight into how this situation could have been prevented.

If you’re looking for more information about this inspiring story and insight surrounding it then viewing Dead Reckoning would be highly beneficial for you to do so. This documentary serves as an important reminder of how we can strive towards making mental health issues more visible and understanding those affected by it better.

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David B