Charles Bronson: Britain’s Hardest Man

Aug 3, 2023 | Crime, Social, Videos

Charles Bronson is a British criminal who has been made infamous for his violent behavior and lengthy prison sentences. In 1974, he was arrested for armed robbery and sentenced to seven years in prison, though this sentence was extended several times due to his violent behavior. In 2000, he was jailed for life after taking an education officer at Hull Prison hostage.

The documentary “Charles Bronson: Britain’s Most Brutal Criminal” looks into the history of one of the country’s most notorious prisoners. It tells the story of a man who was originally sentenced to seven years, but instead spent 14 years in jail due to regular fights with convicts and prison guards. He was subsequently moved 120 times across Her Majesty’s Prison Service and spent much of that time in solitary confinement.

When Charles Bronson finally left prison in 1988 after over a decade inside, it only lasted sixty-nine days before he was re-arrested again. His incarceration has since marked an end to his marriage with his first wife Irene with whom he had a son.

This documentary aims to portray the life story of Charles Bronson – from his early beginnings as an armed robber up until today as Britain’s most notorious criminal – providing viewers with insight into the inner workings of a troubled mind that can’t seem to stay out from behind bars. Though it may not be easy viewing, the documentary offers an essential look into one individual’s journey through a system that ultimately failed him.

If you’re interested in learning more about some of the darker stories surrounding our justice system, then this is surely a must-watch piece – so don’t miss your chance and catch “Charles Bronson: Britain’s Most Brutal Criminal” today!

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David B