Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children

Jul 29, 2023 | Social, Videos

The Social Care Home in Mogilino is an inspiring example of a small village taking on the responsibility of caring for those who need it most. Located in the small Bulgarian village, this home houses 75 children who have been abandoned and overlooked by society. Despite the fact that many of these children cannot communicate verbally, they live in a peaceful and loving environment filled with care and hope.

One of the main figures of the Social Care Home is Milan, an 18-year-old gentle giant with a warm heart. He takes on tasks to help maintain the house and looks out for his fellow housemates. Another important figure is Didi, an autistic young man who can communicate despite not being taught how to do so. The other residents also suffer from various physical and mental conditions such as blindness, deafness, or even just complete immobility. This is why it’s up to the staff at Mogilino to look after these kids, providing them with physical and emotional support they so desperately need.

The documentary “Social Care Home” provides viewers with an eye-opening look into this heartbreaking world where these forgotten children are living their lives in silence and darkness. We get to see their struggles first hand, offering us insight into what life is like for those who are completely alone without anyone to turn to for help or companionship. It’s truly remarkable how much love and affection these children still have despite their unfortunate circumstances.

If you’re looking for a meaningful piece of art that will encourage you to think deeply about life then “Social Care Home” is definitely worth watching. Not only does it provide viewers with an honest depiction of life in Bulgaria but it also shows us just how strong the human spirit can be even when facing overwhelming odds. So don’t wait — come join Kate on her journey through this small village filled with courage and hope!

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David B