Bukowski: Born Into This

Aug 27, 2023 | People, Videos

John Dullaghan’s documentary Bukowski: Born Into This is a compelling and intimate portrait of the famously raucous poet Charles Bukowski. Featuring vintage footage from his readings, as well as interviews with celebrity admirers such as Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Bono and Harry Dean Stanton, this film paints an intriguing picture of Bukowski’s life before fame.

Dullaghan’s biopic takes viewers through Bukowski’s tumultuous childhood to his stint working in the post office which inspired his novel Post Office. The film also features Linda Lee, Bukowski’s former wife, who shares her experiences of living with him. While the documentary is at times whimsical, it also does not shy away from the darker aspects of Bokwski’s life such as his notorious drinking binges and violent tendencies.


Some scenes are filled with comic strips drawn by R. Crumb depicting a debauchery-prone Bukowski while lines of poetry appear onscreen to remind us of his lyrical prowess. This carefully crafted look into Bukowski’s life combines anecdotes, interviews and archival footage that bring to life the man behind the legend.

Bukowski: Born Into This is an essential viewing for any fan or admirer of this fascinating author. It offers unique insights into both Bukowksi’s personal life as well as his work, giving viewers a glimpse into what made him one of America’s most iconic writers. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about Charles Bukowski and his lasting legacy.

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David B