Buddha in Africa

Oct 4, 2023 | Religion, Social, Videos

In the heart of East Africa’s Malawi lies a unique Buddhist boarding school- Amitofo Care Center- founded by a monk from Taiwan in 2004. In this unlikely setting, young Enock Alu found himself at the age of seven; after losing both his parents. While the Center provides holistic education to over 200 underprivileged children, they also master Kung Fu martial arts, sing Chinese songs and tour the world to raise funds for their inspiring school.
While Enock celebrated Festivals like Chinese New Year with fervor, he becomes increasingly conflicted about his East African roots, the Yao language, and its people’s customs. He belongs to a predominantly Muslim minority, often feeling excluded from his heritage. In this stunning documentary, follow Enock’s compelling story of one boy’s battle to bridge the chasm between his contrasting cultural identities, navigated by the enlightened philosophies of his devoted Buddhist mentors.

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David B