David Attenborough and the BBC bring to us Blue Planet II, an extraordinary documentary series that will take viewers on a journey of discovery and exploration into the depths of the ocean. With 6,000 hours of underwater footage gathered from over 4,000 dives in thirty-nine countries, this series is sure to capture the imagination and spark curiosity of viewers around the world.
From breathtaking vistas of coral reef shallows, mysterious creatures hidden deep below the surface, dynamic biodiversity of coastlines and nomadic marine life, Blue Planet II takes us further than we have ever gone before to uncover some of nature’s greatest secrets. This eight-part series promises to be a captivating experience for all.
For those who love nature documentaries, or for anybody interested in exploring and understanding more about our planet’s oceans, Blue Planet II is an unforgettable journey you won’t want to miss. With remarkable visuals accompanied by David Attenborough’s narration, this documentary will show you just how astounding our oceans are; there’s something new and exciting around every corner just waiting to be discovered.