Biggest Ships Navigate the Narrowest Channels | Mega Transports

Jul 21, 2023 | Technology, Videos

This documentary takes you on an adventurous journey with the brand new cruise ship, “Norwegian Joy,” on her first voyage to the North Sea. The ship is a true giant of the seas at 333 meters long and with a beam of nearly 42 meters. She is not only one of the world’s largest cruise ships but also one of the most innovative, boasting previously unseen on-board attractions. Yet even the tiniest mistake could cause this ocean giant to falter – will she survive the conveyance unscathed?
The journey starts in Meyer Werft, Germany, one of the biggest shipbuilders in the world, with a problem as big as the ships they build – the coast and sea are 50 kilometers away. The only route to the North Sea is via the shallow and narrow river Ems – entirely unsuitable for conveying gigantic cruise ships. Yet every Meyer Werft ship has to negotiate this channel.
The conveyance of the “Norwegian Joy” is the main focus of the documentary. The ship has to leave its covered dock and navigate tight spaces, passing through a dock lock gate, two bridges, and a barrier. Things get very tight as the “Norwegian Joy” begins her adventurous journey with only a few centimetres of water under her keel.
This episode of Mega Transports shows the very first and, thus, the most difficult kilometers the Norwegian Joy will ever travel. With expert pilots maneuvering the ship and a highly skilled crew, will it make it to its final destination unscathed?
If you’re excited to see the challenges the “Norwegian Joy” overcomes, don’t miss the Mega Transports: Engineering Documentary.

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David B